Sayyida Maria tul Qibtiyya
This self-paced 3 week course takes you through the life, family and character of our mother Sayyida Maria tul Qibtiyya
Sayyida Maria tul Qibtiyya, from Coptic royalty, became Muslim and married the Prophet ﷺ after being sent to him ﷺ as a gift by the Coptic King. She was the only mother of the believers, other than Sayyida Khadija, to have a child of the Prophet ﷺ.
Chapter 1 - Sayyida Maria tul Qibtiyya
Chapter 1 - Sayyida Maria tul Qibtiyya
This lesson looks at the conversion of Sayyida Maria to Islam and how she settled into Madina and her role as a mother of the believers.
2. Marriage to the Prophet ﷺ and settling in Madina
2. Marriage to the Prophet ﷺ and settling in Madina
This lesson looks at the birth and death of Sayyiduna Ibrahim peace be upon him, the only child of the Prophet ﷺ born to a mother other than Sayyida Khadija Allah be pleased with her.