Course Overview

Sayyida Safiyya bint Huyyay is the daughter of Huyyay ibn Akhtab - the leader of the Banu Nadir, one of the most significant Jewish tribes in Yathrib. Courageous, wise and intelligent Sayyida Safiyyah's role in her family and as a teacher were exemplary.

Course curriculum

    1. Chapter 1 - Sayyida Safiyya bint Huyyay

    2. Chapter 1 - Sayyida Safiyya bint Huyyay

    1. 2. Inclining toward truth in a hostile environment

    2. 2. Inclining toward truth in a hostile environment

    1. This lesson takes a look a the actions of the Banu Nadir, in the instigation of one of the largest war the Arabs have ever seen.

    1. This lesson looks at the context in which the marriage of the Prophet ﷺ to Sayyida Safiyya takes place, and the initial reaction of the Muslim ummah

    1. This lesson looks at relations between the mothers of the believers, the lineage of Sayyida Safiyya and her continued relationship with her extended family

Course Details

  • 5 Pre-Recorded Videos

    Audio and video lessons will be available every fortnight. Audio files can be downloaded to your device and studied at your own pace. Video files will be available for 24 months from the date of registration.

  • Monthly Live Q & A

    Every month students registered on all pre-recorded courses will have access to one live session with Dr Bano. This is an opportunity for students to connect, ask questions and discuss points of note.

  • Discounts and Deals

    Numerous bundle options are available that will help you save money by taking advantage of course bundles and paying as a lump sum.

What Others Are Saying:

“How I wish we had this class every day, and the spiritual high could be renewed on a daily basis. What I learn on Monday nights has ripple effects throughout my family and loved ones”

“Not everyone can present the Seerah in a dynamic and captivating way. Dr. Bano Murtuja comes through at the highest caliber. She’s been working on this for years and all that planning and preparing is to be experience in this. It’s simply a stunning audio experience for the listener and a most certain way to gain closeness to the Messenger ﷺ”